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Dr. Michelle on Today–NYC Workplace Shooting

News and Events, TV Appearances

Dr. Michelle appeared on the Today Show to discuss a work related shooting near the Empire State Building in New York City.

SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "Dr. Michelle on Today–NYC Workplace Shooting", url: "https://www.drmichelle.com/news_and_events/dr-michelle-on-today-nyc-workplace-shooting/" });


Dr. Michelle on MSNBC–NYC Workplace Shooting

News and Events, TV Appearances

Dr. Michelle appeared on MSNBC’s “The Cycle” to discuss a work related shooting near the Empire State Building in New York City.

SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "Dr. Michelle on MSNBC–NYC Workplace Shooting", url: "https://www.drmichelle.com/news_and_events/dr-michelle-on-msnbc-nyc-workplace-shooting/" });


Dr. Michelle on MSNBC–Heroism in Aurora, CO

News and Events, TV Appearances

Dr. Michelle recently stopped by the MSNBC show, The Cycle, to discuss the psychology of heroism and the heroic acts of the residents of Aurora, Colorado. The Cycle features Toure, author, S.E. Cupp, a social and political commentator, Steve Kornacki, writer for Salon.com and Krystal Ball, a former congressional candidate.

SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "Dr. Michelle on MSNBC–Heroism in Aurora, CO", url: "https://www.drmichelle.com/news_and_events/dr-michelle-visits-msnbc-to-discuss-heroism-in-aurora/" });
