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Dr. Michelle on Early Show–Breakup Etiquette

Events, News and Events

Dr. Michelle and author Ian Kerner recently stopped by the CBS Early Show to discuss a male and female perspective on the right way to break up with someone.  For more information on how to handle breaking up with someone, read Dr. Michelle’s blog “Top 6 Tips on How to Break-Up with Someone.”

SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "Dr. Michelle on Early Show–Breakup Etiquette", url: "https://www.drmichelle.com/news_and_events/events/dr-michelle-on-early-show-breakup-etiquette/" });


Dr. Michelle on Today–Kids & Technology

News and Events, TV Appearances

Dr. Michelle joined Matt Lauer to talk with a young man who used to send 14,000 text messages a month. As an experiment, he stopped using technology for 10 days. Dr. Michelle offers advice to parents on how to manage their children’s technology use.  

SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "Dr. Michelle on Today–Kids & Technology", url: "https://www.drmichelle.com/news_and_events/dr-michelle-on-the-today-show-3/" });
