"TV Relationship Expert Dr. Michelle is your relationship, career and personal coach for advice and coaching on life, love, and work."
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Black Girls Rock!


SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "Black Girls Rock!", url: "https://www.drmichelle.com/gallery/black-girls-rock/" });


BET Awards


SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "BET Awards", url: "https://www.drmichelle.com/gallery/bet-awards-2010/" });


BET Leading Women Defined Summit


SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "BET Leading Women Defined Summit", url: "https://www.drmichelle.com/gallery/bet-leading-women-defined-summit-2010/" });


Dr. Michelle on Oprah–Why Mistresses Stay


What causes a woman to date a married man? Former—and current—mistresses have a frank discussion and confess they’ve been the “other woman.” Dr. Michelle explains why mistresses stay and their attraction to married men.

SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: "Dr. Michelle on Oprah–Why Mistresses Stay", url: "https://www.drmichelle.com/video/dr-michelle-on-oprah-why-mistresses-stay/" });
